Monday, December 30, 2019

How Im getting richer every day 4 ways to increase wealth

How Im getting richer every day 4 ways to increase wealthHow Im getting richer every day 4 ways to increase wealthIm not hungry for money. Compared to several years ago, when I had less money, I still have the saatkorn life.I wake up, drink my freshly brewed coffee, read a good book, and then start working until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Then, I put on my shorts and t-shirt and start working out.Sometimes I listen to music during my workouts, and sometimes I dont. After working out, I have dinner with my family. We watch a TV show or movie after we eat. And then, I get back to working or reading.You see, it doesnt take much money to live a good life. Benjamin Graham, one of the most respected investors of all time, once told his apprenticeMoney isnt making that much difference in how you and I live. Were both going down to the cafeteria for lunch and working every day and having a good time. So dont worry about money, because it wont make much difference in how you live.Of cours e, his apprentice was Warren Buffett, whos one of the wealthiest people of all time. And after reading his biography, Snowball by Alice Schroeder, Im pretty sure hes also one of the most frugal people of all time as well.The man was notorious for his spending pattern. That is, he didnt spend money at allBut if we look at Buffetts strategy, we must admit that it works.Enjoy your simple life, save your money, invest it wisely, and dont lose your money. Thats how you get richer every day.In the rest of this article, I explain how I apply this strategy in daily life.1. Live leanI keep my expenses as low as possible without sacrificing the quality of life. My apartment isnt big, my mortgage is low and so are my energy and water costs. I drive a Fiat 500, and my car insurance is 26 ($30) a month. And I only fill it up with gas once a month because I live close to my office, friends, and family.I stopped buying fashionable items like gadgets and clothes that are in. But I must say, I dont save on my wellbeing. I buy books every month. I eat good food. And I go to a good gym. And I also built a small gym in my office.You see, I dont live like Mr. Money Moustache or minimalist folks, I have my own definition of living lean.That is Dont spend your money on things that dont give you lasting benefits.For example, healthy food keeps me fit and lean. Books satisfy my thirst for knowledge and thinking. Working out gives me calm. Going on trips and holidays give me inspiration. And so forth.But you know why Im not afraid to spend money? Too often, we despise greed - which is also an extreme state of mind.However, if we dont spend money at all, we become stingy and fearful - another extreme state of mind. And thats no good either. Seneca said it best in On The Shortness Of LifeYou can make the same point that rich and poor suffer equal distress for both groups cling to their money and suffer if it is torn away from them.Strive for balance, my friend.Never spend mora than you earn. But remember that life is too short to eat rice and beans.2. Always keep a bufferSo we all know how to build wealth, right? Save your money and then invest it. Thats the idea.But before you even think about investing, you need a buffer. What will you do when your fridge breaks down? Okay, I admit it thats a clich. Let me give you a better example.Lets say youve experienced hardship for the past year or so. A family member passes away. You get ill. And youre having less fun at your job. Things have been tough.If you have a buffer, you can say, fk it, lets go on a holiday.Money buys freedom. We must be honest about that. However, you dont need a million bucks to be free. Personally, I like to have 10K ($12k) on my savings account that I can always access.For the first few years of my career, I worked hard and didnt spend much money, so I could build up my buffer. And ever since I built up my buffer, I never let it dip below that number. I also dont invest that money. I dont car e about inflation since I make money in different ways.My buffer is here to keep my mind at peace and helps me to do what I want.3. Invest defensivelyLook, individuals like you and I never make money with stock trading. Whats more, professionals dont even make money with trading.Just look at the results of fund managers. Almost no one beats the market. And if they do, its probably because of luck. At least, thats what Nassim Nicholas Taleb has been saying for almost two decades.For the past few years, Ive become more risk-averse. I stopped investing in individual stocks. Its too risky. Plus, when I own stocks of a company, I cant help myself from looking at the performance on a daily basis.Thats why I put my money in datenbankindex funds - where youre essentially investing in a whole group of companies, bonds, etc. Of course, there is still risk involved. But at least Im saving myself time because Im no longer trying to pick stocks, which is a waste of time.If you want to learn mor e about index funds, I recommend reading The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing by Jack Bogle. I also made a booklist with the best personal finance books that Ive read.Once a month, I buy more shares of the Vanguard SP 500 ETF and thats it. The cost is low, and the risk is also relatively low (when a company thats on an index goes bust, it gets replaced by another one).I dont trade ETFs, and I dont look for other better index funds. Thats my whole investing strategy. It can go up, it can go down, but at least Im not bothered by it.4. Diversify incomeLets be realistic, the return I get from the index funds is NOT income. In fact, I dont try to make money with investing.Wait, what? That doesnt make sense.Let me ask you this Whats the purpose of investing? To me, its not about making money. Its about building wealth. And those two things are very different. I invest for my retirement. Thats about my future.I make money by working today. So instead of spending hours trying to divers ify your investments, diversify your income.Thats the biggest mistake people make. They rely on one income stream. And even if you have a job, there is no excuse to only rely on your employer for 100% of the money you earn.Think about it. Why does your money come from one stream? Is that your strategy? Why?Forget about active investing and diversification - thats for the delusional or the professional.Generate more money. Sell something online. Rent out your apartment on Airbnb and go live with your parents on those days. Provide value in exchange for money (listen to my podcast episode about it if youre interested in blogging as a career). Do what it takes.Generate cash. Then, invest it in assets. Buy real estate. Rent it out. But dont take it too lightly.Yeah, Im going to buy an apartment right now and immediately rent it outIf it was so easy, everybody would be rich. The world has changed. Banks dont lend money easily.You need income. Everybody dreams of having passive income bu t thats only the second stage of your financial strategy. First, you make money, and then, you invest it.And after that, money itself will take care of the rest.This article first appeared on

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Report Fewer men than ever are breadwinners

Report Fewer men than ever are breadwinnersReport Fewer men than ever are breadwinnersOver the past four decades, women have been responsible for bringing home an increasing proportion of their household income - yet when it comes to deeply ingrained beliefs about whose responsibility it is to be the breadwinner, men are still the default, according to a new study.The findings, released by the Pew Research Center, looked at couples from 1980 through the current day and found that the percentage of women in couples who earn as much as or more than their male partner jumped from just 13% to 28%, while the number of male breadwinners dropped from 87% to 69%.Yet 72% of men surveyed said they believe its important for the man in a relationship to be able to financially support his family in order to be a good partner, while just 25% of men thought that a woman needs to be a breadwinner to be a good spouse, researchers found.In most couples, men contribute more of the income, and this ali gns with the fact that Americans place a higher value on a mans role as financial provider, researchers wrote.The study did not look at same-sex marriages.Women had similar expectations of the men in their lives, with 71% of women surveyed expecting their male partners to bring home the bacon to qualify as a good partner, the study found. But women had higher financial expectations of themselves, with 39% saying that women should be able to provide financially for their families.The expectations of a male breadwinner are consistent regardless of level of income or race, although high-school educated couples have higher expectations of a wife who can financially contribute than those with a higher degree, researchers found.

Friday, December 20, 2019

A startup forced employees to take vacation and ignore emails

A startup forced employees to take vacation and ignore schmelzglassA startup forced employees to take vacation and ignore emailsWork can be nerve-racking. So can taking a day off.Which is why many modern employees are guilty of checking their email, Slack, and voice messages while theyre supposedly out of the office What if something super urgent or important transpires and the only person on the planet who can deal with it is you?At SimpliFlying, that attitude just isnt acceptable. SimpliFlying is a global aviation strategy firm with about 10 remote employees. Recently, the company experimented with mandatory vacation time one week off every seven weeks.The really shocking bit? If an employee got in touch with the office while on vacation (say, through email or Slack), they didnt get paid for that vacation week.The results are described in a Harvard Business Review article by Neil Pasricha, director of the Institute for Global Happiness, and Shashank Nigam, CEO of SimpliFlying. (The y worked together to implement the new policy.)After 12 weeks of experimentation, Pasricha and Nigam had managers rate employee productivity, creativity, and happiness levels. As it turns out, creativity rose 33%, happiness levels rose 25%, and productivity rose 13% from before the experiment.Other companies have unconventional vacation policies to encourage their employees to rechargeSimpliFlying isnt the only organization to implement policies that make it easier for employees to take time off.Business Insider previously reported that the CEO of Steelhouse, a marketing and advertising company, gives employees $2,000 a year to use on a vacation. The company also takes a three-day weekend every month.Why not just offer unlimited vacation time, and let employees use their own discretion? After all, thats what big companies like Netflix and Twitter do.Another article in the Harvard Business Review (which focuses specifically on the US) describes why thats not always a viable alternati ve. Many workers are wary of taking time off, whether because they worry about how much work will be waiting from them when they return, or because they think theyre the only person who can do their job.And, as Laura Roeder wrote for WeWork, having an open vacation policy can be confusing, because no one knows what an acceptable amount of vacation time is.To be sure, the SimpliFlying experiment wasnt without its drawbacks. Employees had two main complaints with the new system.One week off every seven weeks was just too frequent, given that the company is so small. So Pasricha and Nigam tweaked it to one week off every eight weeks going forward. Employees will also need to stagger their vacation time so there arent back-to-back absences on a single team.As Nigam wrote in a blog post on SimpliFlyings website, I have seen not only personal growth in each SimpliTeam member, but also development in each of their work. I dare say this experiment is a win-win.This article first appeared on Business Insider.

Monday, December 16, 2019

What a simple cup of coffee can teach you about gratitude

What a simple cup of coffee can teach you about gratitudeWhat a simple cup of coffee can teach you about gratitudeA.J. Jacobs is a jurnalist and author of four New York Times bestsellers, including The Year of Living Biblically, Drop Dead Healthy, and The Know-It-All. He is also a contributor to NPR, Esquire, and the New York Times, and has given several renowned TED talks.A.J.s latest book, Thanks A Thousand A Gratitude Journey, chronicles his mission to thank everyone in the world who helped make his morning coffee possible. We sat down with A.J. to ask about what inspired this latest adventure, what surprised him most during the process, and how we can all be a little more grateful for the little things we take for granted.1. In two sentences or less, can you sum up the big idea of your book?Our coffee as well as every other item in our lives only exists because thousands of things went right on its journey. By acknowledging this, we can fight our brains built-in negative bias a nd be happier and more productive.2. What surprised you the most in your research?The sheer number of people required for something as simple as a cup of coffee. For instance, I thanked the trucker who drove the coffee beans to my local coffee shop. But he couldnt have done his job without the road, so I had to thank the folks who paved the road. But the road needs yellow lines so the truck doesnt veer into oncoming traffic. So I thanked the folks who made the paint. It doesnt just take a village to make a cup of coffee. It takes the world. I try to practice six degrees of gratitude.3. Did an event from your personal life inspire or affect the book?Yes, I can thank my son for the idea. A couple of years ago, I started this ritual before meals. Id say a prayer of thanksgiving. But Im not religious, so instead of thanking God, Id thank some of the people involved in my meal. Id say Id like to thank the farmer who grew these tomatoes. And the cashier at the grocery store who sold me th ese tomatoes. Then one day, my 10-year-old son said to me, You know dad, those people cant hear you. If you really cared, youd go and thank them in person. I said to myself, thats actually a good book idea. So I spent the next six months traveling the world thanking people in person for my coffee. I focused on coffee because its so simple but so important. I couldnt live without it. Food, shelter, coffee.4. Do you have a favorite quote or motto that guides your life?I like the stichwort Just Do It. But I would revise it to say Just do it, as long as youve properly weighed the costs and benefits to both you and society at large. I know. Not quite as catchy. But I think we need some more rational thinking in this world. The gut can be a dangerous thing. Our president uses his gut, and Im not a fan of where its gotten us.5. What was your most humbling moment?About 15 years ago, I posed for a nude photo that was then printed in Esquire. That was way out of my comfort zone. And probably everyone elses comfort zone as well. It happened because the editor in chief of Esquire asked the actress Mary Louise Parker to pose nude for the magazine. She said she would, but on one condition The editor of the article also pose nude, so he could experience the vulnerability and objectification as well. I was the editor of the article. My boss told me to do it. So I did. Im actually very impressed with Mary Louise Parkers idea - it definitely gave me a new understanding of being on the other side of the camera.6. What trivial trick, talent, or feat can you do to impress people?I can do cloverleaf tongue. This is when you can fold your tongue into the shape of a cloverleaf. I just did some research, and it turns out theres a heated debate over whether this skill is genetic, or if it can be taught. Im hoping it can be taught. I think everyone has the right to cloverleaf tongue.7. Whats something that is really easy for most people that you find really challenging?Tying shoelaces. I mean, I know how to do it. I just find it super-annoying and irrational. Its why I use elastic shoelaces. I wish that I could wear Velcro sneakers without hearing jokes about how Im either a toddler or a 78-year-old Sarasota retiree. But soon Ill be old enough to pull them off.8. What is one book that you wish everyone in the world would read?Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker. I dont agree with all his points, but I endorse the gist Progress is real. The past was violent, disease-ridden, sexist, homophobic, smelly, you personenname it. We shouldnt glorify the past. In fact, its dangerous. It breeds nihilism, the feeling that nothing is getting better. Instead, we should be proud of how far weve come as a species, and inspired to solve the many, many yet-to-be-solved problems.9. What would you like readers to take away from your book?That being thankful isnt just a polite thing to do. I think its one of the secrets to happiness. In my book, I quote a Benedictine monk who says Hap piness doesnt lead to gratitude. Gratitude leads to happiness. Also, Id love for readers to take away the name for that cardboard sleeve that goes around the cup and keeps your fingers from burning. Its called a zarf. Thats crucial informationThis article was originally published on Heleo.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview Question

How to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview QuestionHow to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview QuestionYoure in the middle of a job interview, and- so far- things have been going well. You made some friendly small talk with the interviewer, and youve confidently answered every single question hes thrown your way.Then comes the one you were dreading Why did you leave your last job?Because my boss welches a terrible monster that little voice inside your head is screaming as you nervously bite your lip and desperately try to come up with whatto say in response.Its a tricky job interview question. Were told to be honest in job interviews, yet were also advised not to badmouth our previous supervisors or employers. So, what do you do? How do you handle this sticky situation without painting yourself in a really negative light?Heres how to answer this tricky job interview question and talk about your last job in a way thats positive and professional1. Startwith the positives.Eve n if your boss was terrible and the job was a soul-sucking nightmare, you probably still extracted something from that experience- whether it was a new relevant skill or a great bond with your fellow coworkers.When talking about a more delicate situation like why you jumped ship from your last role, its best to start with something valuable and beneficial that you were able to take away from that position.Sure, call it sugarcoating. But, leading with the positives helps to reaffirm that youre not out to throw your previous employer under the bus.What to say Im really grateful for my time in that role, as it gave me the opportunity to increase my marketing knowledge while forging some lifelong bonds with my colleagues.2. Behonestsort of.With that preface out of the way, its time to touch on why you actually left that position. You want to do this in an honest and upfront manner, without sounding like youre highlighting every single flaw of your past boss or company.It might sound tri cky- but, rest assured, its not impossible.For example, maybe your boss was a quintessential micromanager who wouldnt let you send a single email without her stamp of approval. Instead of diving into all of those dirty details, its better to talk about the fact that you were looking for more room and flexibility to use your strengths and talents- but the management style of your previous company was more rigid and didnt necessarily allow for that much autonomy.You dont want to badmouth your previous positions. However, theres no rule stating that you need to give them glowing reviews either. You can be honest in a way that doesnt make you sound like a disgruntled gossip.What to say I was eager to advance in my career and independently lead more projects. But, with such a small and tight-knit team, the management style wasnt necessarily tischplatzdeckchen up to support that level of ownership from employees.3. Mentionwhat excites you about this opportunity.Without a doubt, youre goin g to need to discuss your employment history when interviewing for a new job.But, its also important to remember that this interview concerns your future just as much as it involves your past. So, its always best to wrap up your answer by reaffirming the key things that excite you about this position.Doing so caps off your interview on a positive note, while also focusing the attention back on the job youre currently applying for- as opposed to the one you just left.Its best if you can somehow tie an aspect of this new position back to the grievance you mentioned about your previous role.So, for example, if you mentioned that you didnt get much autonomy at your last job, touching on a challenging project that youd have the opportunity to manage with this new company is a great way to demonstrate your level of interest in this particular position.What to say Thats why Im so intrigued by this position. The job description mentioned that youre looking for someone who can spearhead an e ntire rebranding of your digital presence. The prospect of taking ownership of that sort of project excites me, and I think its a challenge that really speaks to my skill set and experience.Needing to talk about a past role or employer in a job interview can be awkward at best. You want to be honest, without sounding like youre pointing fingers or throwing everybody else under the bus.Fortunately, theres a way you can address that question head on- without leaving a bad taste in the interviewers mouth. Piece together these three tips, and youll have an answer that portrays you as the positive and polite professional that you are.Are you orsomeone you know looking for a new job? Refer a friend to with thislink- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Friday, December 6, 2019

Techniques for Copy and Paste Resume That Only a Few People Know

Techniques for Copy and Paste Resume That Only a Few People Know The Review and Submit step is the sole essential step for each application. Its beneficial to understand how to copy and paste, because the procedure will work in practically any program on your PC. Its possible to pause and resume the copy process in accordance with the requirement. The sample resume objectives below will provide you with some inspiration when youre writing your own resume. An effective advertising program is one backed up by way of a defeatist absatzwirtschaft and advertising want to get to the aims which were established. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. As You establish your advertising and advertising and advertising goals inquire whether it makes it feasible to to fulfill your assignment announcement. You may be more inclined to fulfill your marketing and advertising objectives if you eradicate friction. Ahead of generating your targets, y ou want to create your advertising and advertising aims. You have to grow to be continuously reassessing your normal advertising and marketing program. By obeying the aforementioned primary measures youll Find a means to craft an advertising program thats efficient. Copy and Paste Resume There are lots of managers who also mingle with guests and get to understand them, and also concentrate on customer support. Your testimonials continue to be an immensely important way for Prospective employers to rate your prospect of a scholar and a specialist. Amazing resumes serve several functions at precisely the same moment. Possessing a list of references is crucial in case looking to acquire the job. In the event that you find it possible to, pick references which have been in a situation to talk specifically on your credentials to find the job for which youre applying. Additionally, be certain you understand what references will say about you when they are given a telephone from a potential employer. Strong professional references from several viewpoints give prospective employers an opportunity to hear what an exceptional asset you will be from third party perspectives. Be cautious after you highlight a lot of text. Once you get your file open, there are 3 means by which you can proceed to copy and paste the info on your resume in the text box. For instance, you are unable to cut text from a document set to read-only or an internet page as it isnt editable. To cut text you have to first emphasize the text or data that you want to cut using one of the methods described above. For instance, you may decide to left-align critical dates on your resume by including a left tab stop, which means that your dates are wholly aligned with one another. Picking the best references to distributionspolitik in your list is on the list of main decisions that youre able to make during the job lookup. The information stays on the Clipboard, so that you can keep pasting something similar into other places if you would like. All of the info on the page needs to be highlighted. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Special formatting wont be preserved. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Accounting and finance managers are going to want to see your technical understanding. Also, though you should always create a distinctive and customized resume for each and every organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact same one to do different businesses, ensure you still create two individual docs. If no jobs are left in the program, the applicant cant continue. You have to make an application before applying for employment. The trick is to be sure the resume sticks out among the extra resumes submitted online. Copy and Paste Resume No Longer a Mystery Instead, the business would like you to cut and paste your resume in their web-based job application. To b e able to develop you as a thriving restaurant manager professionally and personally the manager must shell out time at restaurant perfecting his necessary leadership abilities. So as to be organized in a restaurant, the manager should multi-task which contributes to streamlined small business operations. A restaurant manager ought to be one who has the ability to multi-task between various tasks. To succeed as a restaurant manager, there are just a few managerial qualities and abilities required by the managers that are discussed below. Sales is much like customer tafelgeschirr as salespeople can be effective in an assortment of industries. If multiple applications for equal job arent allowed, applicants see an error message and arent permitted to continue. You also wish to mention any particular training which you have, Whether that be on site equipment security programs from assorted businesses, or state-level training.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

8 Tips for Dealing With Hostile Interviewers

8 Tips for Dealing With Hostile Interviewers Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers Have a question youd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QAThis Weeks Question Whether the einstellungsgesprcher is purposely using stress interview tactics or is just not a pleasant person to deal with, what should job seekers do when things get hostile in the interview room? Share your best advice for how job seekers can handle a hostile interviewer with dignity and come out on top1. Try leid to Take It PersonallyOften, the interviewer is frustrated or stressed about something not related to you or the interview. Its just manifesting in their attitude during the interview and, unfortunately, you are the one unintentionally bearing the brunt of their emotions. Stay calm and focus on answering the questions, putting your best professiona l foot forward. You should not match the interviewers style (which is often recommended), Instead, maintain your composure and professionalism. Alyssa Gelbard, Resume Strategists, Inc.2. Detach Yourself From the NegativitySensing hostility from an interviewer adds to an already stressful situation. I coach my clients to practice a form of Zen detachment from the negativity. Envision the nasty attitude floating above and beyond you so that you can focus on conducting yourself professionally and pleasantly. That alone may disarm the interviewer, who may be having a bad day and not realize the attitude they are projecting. Lynda Spiegel, Rising Star Resumes 3. Focus on the QuestionsListen to the questions asked of you. Dont listen to how the questions are asked. The interviewer may be adjusting their tone, volume, cadence, and body language, but the questions should largely stay the same. Filter out as much of this as possible, and focus on calmly and professionally answering the que stions as best as you can. Aaron Straughan, West Coast Careers 4. Keep Your PoisePoise begins with a pause, which is something youll do for a couple seconds after an interviewer has made a hostile comment to you. Then look directly into their eyes with a puzzled expression and say, Im doing my best to not react to how you just said what you said, because I dont want to miss the most important andcritical point for me to get. You know, rather than my guessing, would you please tell me what that is? Dr. Mark Goulston, The Goulston Group 5. Be Professional Not SubservientUnless the interviewer is so hostile that hes either physically attacking or spitting on you, the best response is always to be polite and composed. Not subservient, but professional. If it does turn out to be a test, you want to pass. Returning hostility is not likely to make that happen at least, not for any job you actually want to get. Barry Maher, Barry Maher Associates 6. Find a Way to Regain ControlThe elem ent that creates a stress interview is lack of control. The interviewer sets up a situation that makes you feel overwhelmed. A foolproof way to regain control is to ask a question. Maintain a pleasant tone and attitude, and ask a clarifying question. Doing so will not only give you control, but it will also buy a little bit of time for you to regain your composure. No interviewer has the right to treat an applicant rudely. If you feel that your interviewer is being dismissive or impolite, you need to take immediate control of the situation. Once again, asking a question is the best tactic. You can ask, Is there a better time for us to talk? Maybe the interviewer is worried about a project thats running late or a situation at home. They may not realize their worry is coming across as rudeness. Maybe rescheduling is the best option. At the very least, youve made them aware of how theyre coming across in a polite way. Marilyn Santiesteban, Bush School of Government Public Service, Te xas AM University 7. Reconsider Whether You Even Want This PositionIf a high-stress or hostile interview bothers any individual, they should probably realize that it is indicative of the company culture as a whole. Very likely the overall culture is a high-stress one. If that doesnt give a candidate a good feeling, the they should seriously consider whether they want the job in the first place. Christine Santacroce, 8. Walk OutId stand up and walk out. If its merely a tactic rather than a personality flaw, I think Id run even faster. There are plenty of better ways to test for stress and emotional intelligence than to throw human decency out the door. If the interviewer is not aware of these things, the interview itself isnt going to even touch how miserable you will be if you actually get the job. Cameron Postelwait, Sewell Directmc_embed_signupbackgroundfff clearleft font14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site styl esheet or in this style block. 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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to be a powerful connector without feeling used

How to be a powerful connector without feeling usedHow to be a powerful connector without feeling usedRecently, a Bossed Up podcast listener called in with a career conundrum all about how to provide advice and encouragement to budding professionals without feeling used and burned when her prospective proteges up and ghost herDont get me wrong I want all of us to lift as we climb and support one another. But Bossed Up women including those of us who find ourselves in the position of mentoring and counseling others along the way must set clear boundaries for how we give back.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreSet boundaries for giving backOne thing to consider is to set limits on how many of behauptung meetings youll take. Perhaps you can justify mentorship meetings once a month or once a week.Whatever you make space for, send the folks who ask for your counsel aCalendlylink thats set up to just allow them to book time on your schedule during those limited hours. That way, you know youre making yourself available to give back, but also can protect your time, too.Ask more of the person whos asking for helpSecond, its perfectly fine to ask more of the folks you choose to mentor. When I meet with people like this, Im promising them a certain amount of my focused time. The follow-up game is really up to them to pursue.During our initial meeting Ill typically drop a few names of people who Id bewillingto connect them with. I tellthemto first do their due diligence and look those folks up before I introduce them, so they can be sure that yes, that is someone theyd be interested in being connected with. Otherwise, we run the risk of connecting people before theyre sure its what they really need and want.From there, I always ask the folks I mentor to send me a quick introductory paragraph I should use when introducing them. This allows them to ensure that Im introdu cing them by highlighting whats most important for their purposes, and it saves me the time, energy, and effort of writing up my own little explanation of who they are and why theyd like to connect.At the end of my mentorship meetings, I tell them Ill respond to their email when they send me those two things a list of the folks theyve vetted to make sure they want to be introduced toandthe blurb I should use when making the connection.Opt for the double opt-inFinally, its always best to opt for the double opt-in before introducing someone. By that I mean, email your contactfirstto get their permission to be connected. In the spirit of ensuring that none of us feel used while supporting other professionals on the rise, this is key before you CC everyone together, get permission to connect folks first.Ive written in the pastabout how I used to jump the gun and make this networking mistake. But it can earn you a reputation for taking your connections for granted, so dont make the same rookie error.If you get ghosted, its not about youKeep in mind if the folks you mentor completely ghost on you after you made time to give them advice thats not about you, boo. Thats on themOn next weeks boss tip podcast, well turn the tables on this question and answer another listener career conundrum about how to slay the follow-up game when youre the one asking to pick someones brain over coffee, so stay tunedThis article originally appeared on BossedUp.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

9 Top Female Models You Need to Follow on Social Media

9 Top Female Models You Need to Follow on Social Media9 Top Female Models You Need to Follow on Social MediaIts no secret that social media has changed the modeling industry. Thanks to popular networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we no longer have to wait a whole month for the next issue of Vogue to update us on the latest fashion trends. We dont have to travel to Paris and get a front-row seat at Fashion Week, either, or bump into Gisele at Starbucks to know how her day is going.No, these days models are more than happy to give their fans real-time insight into their not-so-exclusive worlds. And while its true that some models are contractually obligated to tweet up a storm, fruchtwein do it because its fun and because its an easy way to build their brands. Clients prefer models who have a strong social media following because it means theyll get more exposure.So whether youre looking for inspiration for your own modeling career or cant get enough of your favorite models, these are the ladies you need to check out online. 01Kendall JennerGetty Images for Veuve Clicquot / Getty ImagesCoco Rocha is an outgoing and outspoken social media master. Shes acquired millions of followers across 13 social media platformsand wants nothing more than to use her power for good. Cocos all about being a role model and making the industry a safer and healthier place for both new and experienced models.

What makes a killer headshot, from photographers

What makes a killer headshot, from photographersWhat makes a killer headshot, from photographersEven if you prefer making your magic behind the camera - the digital age of social media means networking, job applications, and anything-everything means your face is everywhere. Regardless of industry or how comfortable you feel with a flashing light, headshots are the logo of our personal brands and can communicate many things about us in a single leumund, according to photographer and graphic designer Jorge Rocha.Everything from a perceived intelligence level to social status can be conveyed through a headshot. Its paramount to be aware of ansicht aspects and give considerable thought to the image you want to convey to the world, and also recognize what is most appropriate, he explains.Though the sort of headshot that youll see for a model or an actor isnt the type youll end with, having a clear, attractive and professional image you can use for your various profiles puts your - ahe m - best face forward. Here, tips from photographers on how to smile pretty - and smartlyHire a photographerSure, its easy enough to give your friend or the office intern a camera and hope for the best, but for stellar results that tell your story and wont make you cringe, portrait and travel photographer Sean Marier says it is worth the investment to hire a professional.His tip is to cater your selection to what mood or goal youre going for- whether thats something super traditional and buttoned up or something more casual and lifestyle-oriented.Im amazed daily by the number of people on LinkedIn, personal websites and elsewhere who use unprofessional smartphone photos to represent themselves to prospective employers, cropping out friends or cocktails from a poorly lit photo that was never meant to serve as a headshot, he says. If you dont care, why should that hiring manager?Choose the right outfitNo matter the profession, what you wear is at the centerpiece of your image - and most likely what theyll notice as soon as they glimpse. Rocha recommends avoiding thin patterns, graphic logo t-shirts or any brand names that can be distracting.Solid, neutral tones are typically best as they can work with a myriad of backgrounds, depending on the type of shoot, he suggests.Bright colors, as long as they arent too neon can add dimension and character, as well.Have your hair and makeup done professionallyAnd hey - this doesnt just go for women, but for men too.Even if you know what youre doing when it comes to the glam in your daily life, hair and makeup for photography is a different beast - especially, though not exclusively, if youre shooting your headshots in a studio with bright and hot lights, Marier explains.He notes it is worth the extra investment to hire a team to come to the shoot, making fixes on the fly an option.You should choose a hair and makeup person who specializes in the type of photos youre shooting, and splurge a few extra bucks to have them with you during the shoot for touch-ups and the like, he says. It is one less thing to stress out about - since stress shows itself in a multitude of ways, and cant be Photoshopped.Rotate your bodyIt might not seem like a big deal, but Rocha says a simple positioning of your body can turn heads. Instead of looking directly at the camera, turning a fourth away takes you from mugshot snapshot to portrait mode instantly. When you work with a photographer, they can demonstrate the best ways to maneuver to make koranvers you look polished, healthy and of course, like the best person for your dream gig.Turn on your favorite playlistYour kid sister or best friend might ham it up in front of the camera, with endless selfies and seemingly-perfect images splashed over Instagram - but youre not quite as comfortable with the flash on. Rocha says great photographers will ensure you feel your absolute best under the lights and even make suggestions on how to loosen up.If youre really nervous a bout being in front of the camera, queue up your favorite playlist on your phone to have some music playing and that can be a great way to ease nerves, he suggests.Or, perhaps you need to jog in place for a minute, dance it out or a combo of it all. Whatever gets you feeling your most glam, thats your golden ticket.Know your audienceWhile a travel journalist can get away with a photograph standing atop a mountain and call it professional, if youre applying to be a CPA you might want to rethink it. As Marier explains, research is important.Check out a handful of websites representing the types of companies youd like to work for and see how they spotlight their employees. Those will generally be a pretty good guide, he recommends.If you find yourself unsure of what direction to take, err on the slightly conservative side, while also showing your personality with a big smile or an accessory that pops. Your photographer can always guide the direction if styling isnt your strong suit.